Feeling quite Nostalgic

As I was out photographing yesterday I drove by this pool that I have grown quite fond of, and... well let's just say it's not there anymore. I'm pretty sure a small hole was left in my heart as I gazed upon that empty lot of dirt. It's rather strange how attached you become to your subject matter. I'm glad I took these photographs when I did, otherwise that opportunity would have been gone forever.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about this old house I used to go take pictures of. I finally scheduled a family shoot with one of my photographer friends and gave her the location of said old house and when we got there, they'd torn it down. Pictures are such amazing ways to preserve a memory--attached to an image can be a smell, a sound, a song, and the feelings and thoughts going through us when it was taken. Amazing. Love your old green swimming pool.
